2011-02-14 All's well in Metropolis

Metropolis had been worrying me, I suspected that I had disease in there, after finding almost no brood and load of suspect looking pollen.
Goes to show how little I really know about these guys.

Front door is busy again.

The disassembeld boxes.
Top box was still almost empty, after harvest a couple of weeks ago
Middle box had 3 frames that were harvest-able,
(that is the ones I left in there when I harvested a month earlier) ,
and the rest was pretty much as before.
This is the empty queen cage, from when I poppped in a new Italian queen 2 weeks prior.
I was expecting to find her in the brood box somewhere, but no sign.
She should have been easy to find this time, she had a big white spot of paint on her arse.

Fair bit of brood here, glowing in the sunlight.
I found this weird trail in the brood - looks kinda like there is something tunnelling sideways through the brood....

...so I scraped it out, didn't find anything unusual,
and be-headed a few almost-bees in the process. dang.
Might  be some sort of grub in there, maybe wax moth?
No other sign of this anywhere else in the hive.
Also, I chiselled out some of the pollen, to check it out.
I tasted it, it had that kind of floral honey aroma and flavour, but no sweetness.
Lots of wax to spit out. People collect pollen to eat as a health supplement, apparently.
The same frame, full of good brood.
Lots of brood, eggs, grubs, pollen, the lot.
(the chiselled out pollen top left)

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